Hi folks, it’s been a while and I’ve been quite busy with the fence company. Thanks for sticking around.

I received a call from my cousin the other day saying that she was graduating soon and was wondering if I could lend my talents to a project graduation fund-raiser. I said I could probably throw together something for her. It also gave me a chance to get another post on my blog, no pun intended. Now, I will show you how to build one of my chairs……feb 2013 007First you will need these doweled post..(2- Longest post 3’+-),  (4-Short post 2′), (3-rails flat on one side, (the width of the chair, love seat, bench you wish to make), and doweled on both ends. I can get these up to 10′ in length.feb 2013 008  Next you will need a 2″ drill bit.  According to the size of the person, heel to knee, knee to buttock, we all vary in this area so measures will also. This chair will be built to the comfort specs of a 5 1/2′ to 6′ medium build person.feb 2013 010  The front leg hole is the heel to knee measure. The back hole must be behind the upright and the top hole is usually a few inches down from the top of the upright.feb 2013 011  At this point you will put the bottom two rails in making sure to keep them flush with each other and the top facing forward to be adjusted at a later time.feb 2013 012  Now it’s starting to take shape and you can put screws in the bottom two rails at this time.feb 2013 018  Now as for the arms of the chair. These are posts ripped in half and doweled on one end. The holes in the uprights are determined by a buttock to elbow measure. You may have to trim the dowel on the front legs, depending on the width of the arm. Screw these pieces together and get ready to add the seat.feb 2013 019I usually leave a bit hanging over the front and attach with regular 2″ drywall screws. (screw type really doesn’t matter as long as it holds securely). Now at this point you will need a short board to attach to the back edge of the seat. If you put a few boards upright and sit against them to determine the slope of the back and mark the position. Attach to the base and adjust the top rail to sit flush with the bottom.feb 2013 020Now it’s starting to look like something. Finally I’ll add some shine and a couple drink holders. Coffee on the left and can, bottle or glass on the right.feb 2013 022  So there you have it. A gift to the Poland Regional High School project graduation fund-raiser.

Special thanks to my cousin Melora for thinking of me for this project.

Between humidity and rain showers, getting polyurethane to dry is like toweling off while the shower is still running. It may take a while but you can do it. Eureka a fair day, and a third coat should put me on schedule to deliver this week.

If your interested I can build most anything from cat scratch posts to foot bridges across a stream…It’s lego’s for grownups. (I say grownup because of my age not my mind. I’m still a kid inside.)I snapped a few pictures and am waiting for the poly to dry.Enjoy.I take pride in what I do and that may mean waiting a little longer. The furniture I make is stronger than most and you could park a truck on it.( I wouldn’t but if you had to….)

Cost? Kinda grey area there. Most of what I’ve built cost me out of pocket. With that I try to keep track of the hours it takes to cut, dowel, assemble, sand, poly, sand,poly ……and pay myself for that to come to a final price.

Most projects have been for friends and family so the labor usually gets discounted. Besides if you want to get your product out there you need to advertise. With a family as big as mine, half the state may have already seen my work.

I consider the stuff you see going down the road at the hardware or big box stores to be the FAST FOOD of furniture and your buying off the 99 cent menu. My furniture is the Lobster or Prime-rib of the furniture industry with the sides and extras and will last longer that the rest.(garanteed)

Thankyou for taking the time for me,and what I do.

Photography (why not?)

Posted: July 15, 2012 in Wood carving
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I have been taking random pictures mostly nature around my house and figured if you like my carvings. Maybe you think I may have some talent elsewhere…..feel free to comment. I consider them interesting to say the least.

Been working on a few benches for my uncle and figured I would share them with you.

  Behold. Stein Hammerhead. Born on a mountain and raised in a rock garden. He  is tough as nails and hammers his ale.   This was the most fun I have had on a carving and the painting adds a lot. Enjoy.

Still working on the dwarf and adding paint but every now and then I need to step away and take care of more pressing projects.

Since most of my life is hobby related here are a few chairs that I currently have going…… For sale?   only if someone offers me money but until then they will surround the fire pit in the back yard for friends and family.  Far from done. I will add side tables to some cup holders to others and 3 coats of poly to all useable parts and leave the rest to gray with the rest of us.

Didn’t want followers to think I stopped posting but this is crunch time at work and right now I building fence for two crews and a couple of sub contractors so I’m quite busy. If it weren’t raining I would be outside.  This four day storm gives me a chance to catch up on a few things like taking time to add to this so enjoy and the Dwarf will be along shortly(no pun intended).I wait until the chairs are built to add drink holders to ensure they do not spill the “beverage” and are level. Thanks everyone for following and I shall return.

At this point once again where I want to end this project but keep working on it seeing stuff to improve on. AARG! At this rate it may be done in time to be an antique at the same time.

Since last time I have found some little beads to use for the eyes, which is a very important part for me. It brings them to life. I also have done a bit of flame work to “dirty” him up a bit. Paint will be next and then some more poly to end it. Till next time……..

Dwarf (part three)

Posted: May 5, 2012 in Wood carving

Up to fifty hours a week at work and with a recent B-day my scedule was hardly my own. Just a few more pictures to show some progress and will try to finish soon,(soon being this summer).                                   

Dwarf (part two)

Posted: April 29, 2012 in Wood carving
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Just a quick update. Lots going on right now.Enjoy

Still early spring in Maine with temps climbing and tics biting. I remember for April 1 last year we got a foot of snow and this year we are currently in a drought with a no burn warning. While working on my carvings some other household chores and spring cleaning are also on the long list of things to do. Here is my latest project.

Not liking this lattice work since buying the house, I had devised a plan to change it out and after some math and stuff this is what it looks like now.

So now that that is done and while I await a part for our sander I will return to carving and end this project for now.